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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
19/07/2014 13:52:17

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
President Martelly has played football in Miami
Friday, President Michel Martelly played football with politicians of Miami and Haitian-American officials at Emmanuel (Manno) Sanon Soccer Park. The Little Haiti Youth Traveling Soccer Club was present to meet with Haitian President.

Magistrates announce 3 new strike days
The National Association of Haitian Magistrates (ANAMAH) launches a new watchword for strikes for 21, 22 and July 23at 18 jurisdictions of country to require the reappointment of mandates arrived at their end of several judges. Me Durin Duret Junior, President of the ANAMAH ensures that judges remain open all weekend for possible talks on the matter with the Ministry of Justice and the Superior Council of the Judiciary (CSPJ).

CEP, specialist in postponements...
The Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) inform eligible candidates who successfully pass the written examination of the Departmental Electoral Offices (BED), on 6 July, that due to the installation of new Advisers of CEP Monday, July 21, the date of the oral examination is postponed to Wednesday, July 23, in the same terms as previously defined. Candidates whose names are between the letters A and J will be received between 9:00 am and noon and the other from 1:00 pm Remember to our readers that the installation of executives of BED was originally scheduled on July 3... https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-11592-haiti-elections-new-postponement-for-the-registrations-of-candidates-wrong-reason.html

Inauguration of Caribbean Marketplace in Little Haiti (Miami)
On Friday, Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe inaugurated the Caribbean Marketplace (CMP) renovated in Little Haiti (Miami). This market will become an important portal of culture and commerce, for the community.

Agricultural Agreement between Haiti and the Bahamas...
Friday at the Royal Oasis Hotel Petionville, Thomas Jacques, Minister of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development and its counterpart Bahamian, Alfred Gay, held a joint press conference to mark the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the two countries in the field of Agriculture. To be continued...

HL/ HaitiLibre

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