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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
16/11/2014 13:24:03

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Police training to new tactics
16 agents of various specialized units of the National Police of Haiti (PNH) recently participated in a training on tactical principles in response, in particular on the arrest of a drug dealer; the intervention in vehicle theft and arrest in the streets. David Gradel, one of the trainer stressed This training will allow officers to know how to manage their emotions and stress, particularly in emergency and crisis."

Towards an Ebola isolation center
Thursday, Dr. Georges Dubuche, Director General of the Ministry of Public Health and other officials of the Ministry, visited a field at the level of Morne Cabrit where the Ministry will have to set up an Ebola isolation center.

Distribution of grant checks to the BSEIPH
The Office of the Secretary of State for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities (BSEIPH) presented grant checks to 38 disabled people and parents of disabled people. Those checks will enable beneficiaries to ensure various expenses such as tuition, rent, creating income-generating activities and medical care.

The DGI meet transport unions
Morlan Muradin, Director General of the Directorate General of Taxes (DGI) accompanied by several directors, met with an overwhelming number of union representatives of national transporters motorcycle taxis included) question of explaining the challenges of the distribution campaign of vehicle registration plates and allay their fears. The meeting lasted nearly two hours and a consensus was reached. In addition,the Director General has proposed to the transport unions tax training sessions for the benefit of their members to put an end to many misunderstandings.

Embassy of the Republic of Haiti in Mexico closed
The Embassy of the Republic of Haiti in Mexico informs that the offices of the Embassy and the Consular Section will be closed on 17 and 18 November 2014, due to the commemoration "del Inicio de la Revolución Mexicana" nd the "Battle of Vertières".

HL/ HaitiLibre

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