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Haiti - Education : End of electoral observation training for journalists
05/06/2015 10:42:28

Haiti - Education : End of electoral observation training for journalists
The Office of Citizen Protection, National Institution for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, has successfully completed, its training sessions around the theme "Electoral Observation and application of an approach based on human rights" for journalists .

66 journalists took part in this training series, including 4 women and 62 men in total: 19 journalists to Jérémie including 1 woman, 23 journalists in Hinche including 3 women, 24 journalists in Port de Paix.

This training has enabled journalists to acquire in particular basic knowledge on human rights including the methods and techniques of electoral observation. It was also discussed among others the freedom of expression, press offenses, democracy and the legal and institutional framework in electoral matters.

The three sessions were completed in each region by a ceremony of certificates and handing of documents, chaired by Florence Elie, the Protector of Citizens and a representative of the Section of Human Rights of the Minustah.

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