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iciHaiti - Competition : 46th Edition of the Henri Deschamps Literary Prize is launched
10/04/2021 11:37:08

iciHaiti - Competition : 46th Edition of the Henri Deschamps Literary Prize is launched
The 46th Edition of the Henri Deschamps Literary Prize is launched. It should be remembered that this Prize, placed under the supervision of the Lucienne Deschamps Foundation, crowns each year a work written in French and/or in Creole on a theme of fictional literature which encompasses : the novel, poetry, fiction essay, storytelling, short stories, literary criticism and theater. It can also reward a work of a historical nature.

To establish its choice, the jury primarily takes into account the following criteria:

- The choice of subject and the interest of the story;
- The quality of the style;
- Respect for grammatical rules;
- Compliance with regulatory requirements;
- The originality and modernity of the work.

Admission requirement :
The candidate for the Henri Deschamps Literary Prize may reside in Haiti or abroad. The submitted manuscript must be written in French and/or Creole and never have been the subject of prior publication. The manuscript must be submitted by the author.

Download the regulations : https://www.fondationluciennedeschamps.org/home/reglements/

Manuscripts should be submitted between May 24 and June 24 at the Lucienne Deschamps Foundation office 49 Rue Chavannes, Pétion-Ville.

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