
iciHaiti - Henry Christophe Campus : Restructuring and reorganization of the Management Board 12/04/2021 10:34:16
In a circular to the community of Campus Henry Christophe de Limonade (CHCL), the Executive Council of the University of Haiti (UEH) announced the restructuring and reorganization of the Campus Management Council, following the death on 3 last March of Professor Audalbert Bien-Aimé, former president of CEHL.
The Management Board is now composed of :
Hérissé GUIRAND, new Chairman;
Maxwell BELLEFLEUR, Vice-president;
Claudel NOEL, Vice-president.
Through this circular it is clearly mentioned that the mandate of the Management Board remains the same as that provided for in the circular of the Executive Board dated November 9, 2018, in terms of content.
Download the circular (PDF) : https://www.haitilibre.com/docs/Circulaire-du-Conseil-Executif-de-lUEH-a-la-Communaute-du-campus-Henry-Christophe-de-Limonade.pdf
IH/ iciHaiti