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iciHaiti - Maissade : Follow-up of the rehabilitation and extension works of the «Nan Salpetre» SAEP
24/04/2021 11:45:55

iciHaiti - Maissade : Follow-up of the rehabilitation and extension works of the «Nan Salpetre» SAEP
The engineer Théophil Ostinvil from the Regional Office for Drinking Water and Sanitation (OREPA Dept. Center) went to "Nan Salpetre", communale section bordering Maissade (Dept. Of the Center) to see the 'progress of the rehabilitation and extension works of the Drinking Water Supply System (SAEP). He was accompanied by drinking water and sanitation technicians for the communes in the area and by the person responsible for monitoring the works project.

The observations made it possible to observe:

Distribution line :
548 linear meters (ml) of 6" pipes are installed out of a total of 811 ml
1.186 ml of 4" pipes are installed out of a total of 1.186 (100%)
1.455 ml of 3" pipes are installed on a total of 1.481 ml
681 ml of 2" pipes are installed out of a total of 1.450 ml

Adduction line :
Waiting for start

It should be remembered that this work, lasting 6 months, is carried out by the firm GENIENORD and financed by the World Bank through the "Drinking Water and Sanitation in Sustainable Rural Environment" (EPARD) project.

IH/ iciHaiti

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