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iciHaiti - Obituary : Death of Professor Tony Cantave
17/06/2021 10:26:40

iciHaiti - Obituary : Death of Professor Tony Cantave
The Rectorate of the State University of Haiti (UEH) learned with deep sadness the news of the death of Professor Tony Cantave on June 12, one of the most emblematic figures of the Haitian democratic movement.

"Professor Cantave was known for his righteousness, his generosity, his deep convictions and his sense of principle. He has always been a sure and militant reference with regard to the constitutional project of Decentralization which he considered as the main guarantor of the emergence of the new Haitian State postulated by the vast democratic and popular movement of the years 1986-1987 and the Fundamental Charter of the Nation [...]"

Rector Fritz Deshommes "[...] Salute the memory of this fervent defender of the Haitian National Project and of this eminent professor who was able to transmit to several generations of students his civic flame and his living faith in the regeneration of the common homeland.

He offers his heartfelt condolences to his family, to the entire UEH community, in particular his former colleagues and students from the Faculty of Human Sciences and the École Normale Supérieure, his colleagues of Center for Economic and Social Research and Training for Development (CRESFED) and the magazine 'Rencontre', to his combat comrades and to all his friends."

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