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iciHaiti - Exams: Supervisory visit of Minister Manigat to Correction Centers
21/08/2023 10:07:49

iciHaiti - Exams: Supervisory visit of Minister Manigat to Correction Centers
Sunday August 20, 2023 Nesmy Manigat, the Minister of National Education accompanied by France Etienne Louisseul, Departmental Director of the West and several senior officials of the Ministry, carried out a supervisory visit to the two main correction centers of the West : St Louis College in Boudon and the School of the Brothers of Christian Instruction in Pétion-ville.

This is the second visit made by the Minister in less than a week to the correctional center of St Louis de Bourdon. It should be noted that the West represents approximately 50% of copies of the baccalaureate exams.

This visit allowed the Minister to verify the application of the instructions of the ministry, this year, in particular concerning the wearing of the mandatory badge with a QR Code to avoid fraud https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-40196-icihaiti-baccalaureate-the-list-of-correctors-finalized.html to have access to the Center of correction of the copies.

At the end of the visit, Minister Manigat praised and thanked the commitment of the correctors and the staff of the Ministry for the finalization of this operation as soon as possible. The results of the baccalaureate exams must be published before the start of the school year, scheduled for September 11.

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