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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
17/01/2013 13:42:28

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Resumption of adoptions in Haiti
The Service of International Adoption (SAI) informs the candidates for adoption, that the Institute of Social Welfare and Research (IBESR) announced the resumption of international adoptions in Haiti, from January 15, 2013. Quotas should be fixed later by IBESR concerning the number of applications, that the operators will be allowed to deposit each month. SAI wishes to recall that the adoption process in Haiti, must now necessarily be accompanied by an operator authorized by the SAI and accredited by the IBESR. The individual approaches of adoption are no longer permitted in Haiti.

The amended Constitution available in bookstores
The amended Constitution is now available in bookstores. This 129-page brochure prepared and printed by the editions Fardin, contains the full text of the Haitian Constitution of 1987 amended May 9, 2011.

Presentation of the project of the port reform
Wednesday at the Centre of Information and Documentation of Port (Centre d'Information et de Documentation Portuaire - CIDOP), the engineer Jean Carrel Delpe, a member of the planning unit in the National Port Authority, presented to the maritime agents the project of the port reform.

The Prime Minister welcomed the renewal of the Bureau of the Senate
On Tuesday, the Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe, welcomed the renewal of the Bureau of the Senate. The Prime Minister took the opportunity to reiterate his commitment to work transparently with the Senate in particular and Parliament in general, for the collective welfare and recalled, that the republican principle of separation of powers and mutual respect between the different entities of the state, is the "sine qua non" condition for the proper functioning of our democratic system for the benefit of the Haitian people.

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