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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
14/11/2014 13:01:38

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Retaining Wall in Nérette
In Nérette, as part of the rehabilitation of the rue Léon Nau, a retaining wall whose work is progressing significantly, will be erected at the entrance of the playground rehabilitated. Length of approximately 70 m, the wall will reduce the risk of landslides, which once made life difficult for the people of this area. It will also serve to protect the street that will be rehabilitated.

Working Session with Executives of the Ministry of Tourism
Thursday, Dieudonne E. Luma, Director of the Regional Office North of Ministry of Tourism and Creative Industries (MTIC) presented the various action plans for the year 2014-2015 for the North and Northeast departments including : Enhancement of the Boulevard of Cap-Haitien (Sanitation, Beautification, operation); Construction of a stand on the site of Labadee; the event tourism (Tastes and Flavours Lakay in Cap-Haitien)

Donation of more than 500,000 dollars for the region of Palmes
A grant agreement amounting to US $ 514.502, relating to the "Project for Improving the health environment by improving access to safe drinking water and hygiene promotion in the area of Palmes", was signed between the Japanese Ambassador in Haiti and Japan Emergency NGO (JEN), a Japanese NGO. This project aims to restore a tank and restructure nine points of water distribution by establishing kiosks in Léogâne and Grand-Goâve.

19th International Congress on State Reform
A Haitian high-level delegation participates from 11 to 14 November 2014 at the 19th International Congress on State Reform and Public Administration, organized by the Latin American Centre for Development Administration (CLAD) in Quito, capital of Ecuador. Topics include: An inclusive public administration, non-discriminatory and participative; Innovation and quality management as a mechanism for efficient and effective public administration; Decentralization and local governance in the context of overall national development; Effective public policies in a context of growing social demand; Professionalization of the civil service in order to strengthen the management capacity of the State and response to society.

Jean Marie Gabriel, passed away
The Ministry of Communication has learned with dismay the news of the death of the star of the show "Matin Caraïbes" of "Caraïbes FM", Jean Marie Gabriel, occurred as a result of an asthma attack during the night of Wednesday 12 and Thursday, November 13, 2014. The Ministry extends its condolences to the family, relatives and friends of Jean Marie Gabriel and transmits in a special way on behalf of the Government his words of sympathy to the management and staff of "Caraïbes FM".

HL/ HaitiLibre

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