
iciHaiti - Training : Monitoring of promises of François Hollande 02/07/2015 11:16:06
Monday, following the financing agreement between Haiti and the French Development Agency (AFD), signed May 12, 2015 in Port-au-Prince, on the occasion of the visit of President François Hollande https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-13858-haiti-politic-series-of-agreements-signed-with-france.html was held a meeting at the AFD office for the Launch of the Project "Competence for Employment for Young People" in the presence of Partner Institutions (DINEPA-BIT)
The project aims to ensure a quality training offer in the water and sanitation sector, to rehabilitate and modernize the Pilot Centre of the National Vocational Training Institute (INFP), including the links between training offer and economic sectors, and finally build the capacities of the INFP to ensure the smooth running of the project as to the sustainability of its effects, by a real transfer of skills and socio-professional integration of young Haitians.
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IH/ iciHaiti