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iciHaiti - Politic : Towards a project management focused on results
15/09/2015 12:48:42

iciHaiti - Politic : Towards a project management focused on results
In order to build the capacity of executives of the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MCI) for a better management and more efficient monitoring of the projects, the ministry conducted a training seminar on the strategic implementation of projects and the Results Based Management (RBM). This 5-day training was ntended for all the coordinators, project managers and any other executives of the Ministry involved in the management of projects.

During this training, six modules were discussed: the strategy and management, strategic planning, management of project cycle, technical and project management tools, the logical framework and results-based management. Also, the various Ministry programs to support small and medium enterprises were in the seminar program.

Apply the principles and methods of RBM in planning, monitoring and evaluation of projects and programs of the ministry and define a methodological approach to operationalize this management, was in particular the results expected by the training.

For Minister Jude Hervey Day who launched the seminar "The training is part of the strengthening that we must bring to the ministry. It should also allow a better assessment in the development and project management to expect more convincing results." He believes that with the current tools of MCI, the next generation will be more competent to better serve the Nation.

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