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iciHaiti - Sports : Towards the rehabilitation of Levelt sports park (Saint-Marc)
20/09/2015 11:18:51

iciHaiti - Sports : Towards the rehabilitation of Levelt sports park (Saint-Marc)
Saturday, Jimmy Albert, the Minister of Youth, Sports and Civic Action (MJSAC), visited the Sports Park Levelt of Saint-Marc that will soon benefit from a grant from the Ministry for the rehabilitation of its facilities (toilets, fences and drainage of water discharge channels etc...) This park is used notably by teh Clubs of Tempête FC and Baltimore SC.

Accompanied by Me Marc Jérôme Bataille, the Departmental Director of MJSAC Artibonite, representatives of local clubs and the sports press, the Minister Albert noted the urgent need to intervene and promised he will do something soon.

He also announced that following the steps of the Haitian Football Federation, FIFA will finance the installation of artificial turf to Levelt Park stating that this project has already been approved, and that soon FIFA will launch the tender for that works, which should start before the end of this year.

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