iciHaiti - Mexico : Many Haitian scholars refuse to back home 26/09/2016 10:26:20
As part of the 206th anniversary of Mexico's independence, Ambassador of Mexico, José Luis Alvarado, launched a vibrant appeal to political and private sector of Haiti, to create the conditions necessary to promote the return of Haitian scholars of the First promotion that should complete their course of study in Mexico shortly https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-10089-haiti-education-the-first-103-scholars-in-mexico-speaks-spanish-now.html in order are "[...] created the necessary conditions so that future Haitian professionals return to Haiti and contribute to the development of their country [...]"
An intervention all the more justified, that many graduates, future engineers, agronomists, architects etc... "do not think, or or do not want return to Haiti. Their main argument is that they will not find work," stressed Mexican Ambassador.
TB/ iciHaiti