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iciHaiti - Politics : Minister Fleurant wishes to collaborate with UNOPS
24/04/2017 08:19:49

iciHaiti - Politics : Minister Fleurant wishes to collaborate with UNOPS
Aviol Fleurant, the Minister of Planning and External Cooperation, recently received a visit from Michel Bonenfant, the Director of the UN Office for Project Services in Haiti (UNOPS). They spoke on the main lines of action of this UN agency: supervision in the public procurement process, technical assistance in project management and interventions in the field of infrastructure (roads, bridges, public markets, health center, etc...)

Michel Bonenfant took the opportunity to present to Minister Fleurant the main advantages of preferential prices that could benefit the Haitian State by using the expertise of the institution he directs for the acquisition of vehicles, agricultural equipment and equipment among others. He also explained to the Minister that UNOPS can accompany the Ministry of Planning in the implementation of a major institutional strengthening project for all ministries with a view to achieving an efficient and effective public administration.

Minister Fleurant proposed the creation of a Joint Committee (MPCE - UNOPS) whose mandate would be to explore opportunities for cooperation. He also sought technical support from the UN agency for the establishment in the major urban centers of the country, of a model of Community Technology Centers.

The Director of UNOPS was very pleased with his visit and promised to instruct his team quickly to meet the expectations of the Minister of Planning.

IH/ iciHaiti

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