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iciHaiti - Tourism : The hotel Royal Decameron targets of an attack !
02/10/2019 10:50:13

iciHaiti - Tourism : The hotel Royal Decameron targets of an attack !
The tourism sector, already severely affected for several months by the instability, the violence and the socio-political crisis that the country is going through, seems not to have finished with the tests that tarnish a little more every day its image in the eyes of the world....

On Tuesday, the Royal Decameron Indigo Beach Resort, an internationally renowned resort on the Arcadines coast, was the target of an attack by violent individuals.

These mostly young people crossed the main entrance of the hotel without encountering any resistance, the security guards having fled fearing for their lives, started throwing stones at the hotel and erecting barricades of burning tires in front of the resort door for no apparent reason other than vandalizing and harming...

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