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iciHaiti - Social : FAES continues food distributions to the most vulnerable
06/12/2019 08:07:21

iciHaiti - Social : FAES continues food distributions to the most vulnerable
The Economic and Social Assistance Fund (FAES) is continuing its food distributions under the "Kore Pép", "Kantin Mobil" and "Panye Solidarite" programs with the financial support of Taiwan (Republic of China), to the most vulnerable local populations.

Monday, December 2, the project "Kantin Mobil" was in the commune of Cité Soleil where the inhabitants received thousands of hot dishes. At the same time, several thousand dry rations were distributed on the same day in the metropolitan area, specifically in the Léogâne portal, bicentenaire, Carridad (Carrefour-feuilles), Bolosse 2nd avenue, Martissant and Solino https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-29057-haiti-news-zapping.html

On Tuesday 3, several hundred dry rations were delivered to the poorest inhabitants of Delmas 3.

On Wednesday 4, the FAES team visited the commune of Cité Soleil again to distribute thousands of hot dishes and dry rations to the inhabitants.

From December 4th to 8th, FAES will be in the South (Nippes, South, South-East and Grand'Anse) to distribute dry rations to several thousand people in need.

Saturday, December 7, at the naval base Admiral Killick in Bizoton in the commune of Carrefour where teams are already mobilized to distribute hot dishes and dry rations to the inhabitants of the area.

FAES plans to distribute some 60,000 dry rations free of charge during the month of December as part of the "Panye Solidarite" project, while "Kantin Mobile" will distribute more than 140,000 hot meals in the metropolitan area by January 2020.

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