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iciHaiti - Health : First aid care in schools
10/07/2023 10:02:01

iciHaiti - Health : First aid care in schools
With the aim of strengthening safety in the school environment, the Ministry of National Education and the Mobile First Aid Unit/Motorized Medical Emergency Service (UMPS-SUMMOC) have made a commitment through a Protocol of collaboration relating to the public service of prevention and popularization of first aid care.

For Minister Nesmy Manigat, this Protocol is one element of a set of mechanisms put in place to address the well-being of children at school, but also outside the school environment; because the skills that will be developed during the training sessions will prepare young people to provide first aid to people in danger, while the professional arrive.

Ricardo Jean-Pierre, the coordinator of UMPS-SUMMOC is delighted with the birth of this collaboration, which establishes as the first principle the training of students in the field of prevention in "Life-saving gestures".

The signing of this Protocol was followed by a simulation exercise that mobilized the UMPS team made up of doctors, nurses and experienced first aiders and students from the National School of the Republic of the United States. In the meantime, the training program, which will be certified, will continue over the next few weeks.

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