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iciHaiti - Tabarre : The house of Fritz Jean vandalized and burned
20/08/2023 09:22:12

iciHaiti - Tabarre : The house of Fritz Jean vandalized and burned
Friday, August 18, in a note of solidarity, the Citizen Protection Office (OPC) learned with emotion and indignation that the house of Fritz Jean (former Chief Inspector General of the National Police of Haiti - PNH and former OPC Deputy Protector), located in Tabarre, was vandalized and set on fire by heavily armed individuals.

The bandits have caused irreparable damage to a man of integrity, a servant of the Nation, defending good governance, discipline, law enforcement and respect for human rights.

They are thousands of citizens who, after many years of hard work, have lost everything because of the insecurity in the country.

The OPC expresses its full solidarity with its former Deputy Protector. It also shares the pain of the thousands of internally displaced people in the metropolitan area and other regions of the country living in a precarious and vulnerable situation.

IH/ iciHaiti

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