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iciHaiti - Obituary : Death of two union teachers
13/09/2024 10:15:24

iciHaiti - Obituary : Death of two union teachers
The Ministry of National Education learned with sadness the news of the death of unionist teacher Paul Saint-Preux, which occurred on September 10, 2024. A social sciences teacher who joined the civil service in November 1988 as a teacher, Paul Saint-Preux trained several generations of students, particularly at Marie-Jeanne High School. A convinced unionist, with great open-mindedness, and respect for others, he had a long history of work with the Ministry as leader of the National Corps of Haitian Educators (CONEH). It should also be noted that he had become a manager of the Ministry, working as a Senior Technician, assigned to the Directorate of Training and Development.

The Ministry salutes the memory of Paul Saint-Preux, hoping that his fight can inspire other unionist teachers, believing in an active partnership for the benefit of students, and defending the principle of the right to education.

The Ministry also takes this opportunity to salute the departure of Mrs. Marie Dieula Jean-Louis, who passed away on September 5. Professor at the University and trade unionist, Mrs. Jean-Louis, Head of Department at the Ministry and educational psychologist, also worked as a professor at the Faculty of Ethnology and the Faculty of Human Sciences. She was among the main leaders of the teachers' union organization "Network of Haitian Teachers (REEH)".

The Ministry extends its sympathies to their families, colleagues and friends as well as to all their fellow trade unionists.

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