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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
26/11/2012 13:10:08

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
25 police officers UDMO, better housed
The 25 officers of the Unit For Maintenance Of Order (UDMO) of Les Cayes, have left their old dilapidated premises, to take possession of a new building with a dormitory with a capacity of 36 peoples pread over two rooms, toilets, sinks and showers, a relaxation room equipped with toilet, kitchen, two dining rooms and space for washing dish, a reception room and a gallery. This project has been funded to the tune of 95,000 U.S. dollars, by the Program Quick Impact Projects (QIPs) of the Minustah and the work was done by a local firm for the Organization diocesan Caritas.

The Deputy Deshommes wonders on the traveol of Martelly
The Deputy Joseph Wilbert Deshommes wondered about the costs and benefits of the European tour of President Michel Martelly. Moreover, he criticized his fellow deputies who close their eyes to the waste of public funds by the Head of State in his travels abroad.

Tourism on the Côte-des-Arcadins
Friday took place a working meeting between the Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Environment and the Members of the Project "Ayiti Bèl, Ayiti Vèt" on the necessity to preserve sites of natural interest, historical and cultural of the Côte-des-Arcadins. Among the issues discussed, the garbage collection in the area and the eforestation of watersheds in order to prevent alluvium from reaching the coast.

"Aba Grangou" in Carrefour feuille and Chancerelles
As part of Presidency's program "Aba Grangou" the Post Office of Haiti (OPH) and theDepartmental Delegation West (DDO) delivered this Sunday, November 25, 2012, 1,500 hot meals to the populations of Carrefour Feuille and Chancerelles.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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