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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
27/02/2013 13:06:50

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Strike in public schools
George Wilbert, Coordinator of the National Union Normale d'Haiti (UNNOH), announced three days of strike at the level of public and private schools 27, 28 February and 1 March, on the entire national territory. Wilbert says this strike is the result of dissatisfaction on the various claims without further submitted to authorities. Representatives of the platform require a return to negotiations with the government on various claims to put an end to the series of strikes at the level of country's schools.

Quality label hibiscus
Tuesday, Stéphanie Balmir Villedrouin, the Minister of Tourism, met the local Tourism Association of Haiti (ATH), of members of the private sector tourism. Discussions were held around the standards that will be implemented to improve services in the sector according to standards of "Quality Label hibiscus" developed by the Ministry of Tourism.

Construction of the HUEH blocked...
According to Marie Carmelle Jean-Marie, Minister of Economy and Finance, the projet of construction of the new Hospital of the State University of Haiti (HUEH), funded to the tune of $60 million, whose 10 million have been mobilized by the Government of Haiti, is blocked in the absence of tenders... "It will never succeed, given the fact that we must respect all the dictates of those who help us," the Minister deplored "Either we strictly follow the dictates of donors, or we assume our responsibility by taking the necessary steps to move our country forward," without however be opposed to the tenders.

International Conference of Notaries in Haiti
The Association of Notaries of the Republic of Haiti (ANRH) announces the holding of the International Conference of Notaries in Haiti to be held at Royal Oasis from 28 February to 2 March, around the theme "The Notary and its partners for the promotion of investment." Delegations from more than a dozen countries are expected including: Spain, Argentina, Mexico, Morocco, Port Rico and Colombia. During this Conference, 21 national and international stakeholders will share their experiences and inquire about the Haitian experience in this field. These meetings aim to strengthen the structures of the notarial profession in Haiti and officially marks the entrance of Haiti on the international scene.

International Seminar on the History of Ethnology in and on Haiti
Friday 1st March, from 3:00 pm the Department Anthropology / Sociology of the Faculty of Ethnology (FE), will host for the fifth time, the International Seminar on the History of Ethnology in and on Haiti. This seminar will host a special guest, the Dr. Kate Hodgson, who will speak on the theme: "The Creole song, imperialism and the politics of abolitionism in the nineteenth century."

HL/ HaitiLibre

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