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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
15/06/2013 13:32:04

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Minister Villedrouin visited the Hotel School of Montreal
Friday, as part of her official visit to Quebec, Stéphanie Balmir Villedrouin, the Minister of Tourism, visited the Hotel School of Montreal (EHH), in order to develop a partnership between the Hotel School of Montreal and the the Hotel School in Haiti.

Official visit of the President of Suriname
On Friday, the President of Suriname, Desire Delano Bouterse, accompanied by several representatives of the private sector Surinamese, began a 3-day visit to Haiti. During his stay, the President of Suriname, will proceed with his Haitian counterpart to the signing of framework agreements for cooperation between the two nations. The Head of State took advantage of the visit of Mr. Bouterse to announce the opening on July 1, of Surinamese consulate in Haiti and that of Haiti in Suriname.

The PSP demands the resignation of two ministers
According to Abel Descolines, spokesman of Bloc of deputies of the majority "Parliamentarians for Stability and Progress" PSP demands the resignation of Jacques Thomas, Minister of Agriculture and David Bazile, the Minister of the Interior and Territorial Communities, for lack of performance.

Evaluation of employment of Public Service
Wednesday a 2-days training workshop on the evaluation of employment of Public Service was opened in Petion-ville, to the intention of Directorates and Human Resources Services (DRH/SRH) of different ministries and decentralized bodies in the country. Organized at the initiative of the Office of Management and Human Resources (OMRH), this training that falls within the framework of the reform of State 2012-2017, was held on the theme "Proceed with the evaluation of employmentto revise the remuneration system of the public service."

FrancoFolies of Haiti
The Ministry of Tourism announces that Haiti prepares to host in summer 2014, one of the biggest cultural events ever made so far on the Haitian territory "The FrancoFolies of Haiti" A musical scale meeting with the objective of honor many French celebrities, international, and the Haitian music at its best ; An event in association with other festivals, supported by the Haitian government and several countries of the Francophonie.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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