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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
25/07/2013 13:28:26

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Passport applications ready (Guadeloupe)
The Consulate General of the Republic of Haiti in Pointe-à-Pitre (Guadeloupe) inform the Haitian community in its jurisdiction, that all passport applications made ​​until June 30, 2013 are available at the office of the Consulate.

Pilot agricultural recovery Project in Grison Garde
During the tour of the President Martelly in the north of the country, in Grison Garde, the third section of Acul du Nord, 25 farmers, as part of a pilot project to revive agriculture, have each received a grant of 5,000 gourdes and received a lot of agricultural tools and seeds. The Ministry of Agriculture is assigned to accompany the farmers in this area, in plowing the land.

Things are moving in Labadee
Wednesday, Stéphanie Balmir Villedrouin, the Minister of Tourism participated in a working meeting with the Royal Caribbean around the operation of the resort of Labadee concerning, among other things, the access to the site and an integration plan of the population of the village Labadee, in certain activities on the station, likely to promote the development of the region. A monitoring committee will be in operation from mid-August to coordinate actions to facilitate access to the site and local development.

Dominican seeks dialogue
On Wednesday, the Dominican government announced it was seeking dialogue with Haiti and possible mediation by the European Union to resolve the trade dispute arising from the Haitian government ban on the importation of certain poultry products from the Dominican Republic.

Cleaning and development near the International Airport
The Ministry of Tourism informed that it will proceed to the cleaning and development of the space where are erected the kiosks of merchants of foods near the parking of Toussaint Louverture International Airport.

Pierre Richard Casimir, openness to the world
Wednesday, Pierre Richard Casimir, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, during a meeting in Parliament around the budget of his Ministry, informed that 8 new missions were opened abroad to strengthen diplomatic presence of Haiti on the International scene and a Diplomatic Academy was created within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for training diplomats Haitians.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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