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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
16/09/2014 14:06:38

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Inauguration of two new health centers
Monday, the First Lady, Sophia Martelly accompanied by Florence D. Guillaume, the Minister of Health, began her week in the South East with the opening of two health centers, the first in Seguin and the second in Gaillard, 2nd communal section of Cayes-Jacmel. The objective is to provide each communal section of a Health Centre.

*8282 phone number to keep
In order to satisfy all citizens, the National Identification Office (ONI) has set up a call center where you can call to request all the information you need about the services given by ONI. The number is *8282.

NOTICE Guyana : Passports August are ready
Consulate of Haiti in French Guiana, thanked the Haitian community for their patience and informs them that the passports of the month of August 2014 are available at the Consulate. Please bring your receipts and old passports for retrievals during office hours: Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm and Saturday from 9:00 am to noon.

39th Council of Government
Wednesday at the Primature, the Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe, will chair the 39th Council of Government. During the Council, the draft Finance Bill 2014-2015, which reflects the struggle of the Government against extreme poverty and social exclusion will be presented to the public. It will also be an opportunity for the Government to review the various projects running in the context of the "Gouvènman an lakay ou" program and also present the population the arious special plans in place in many parts of the country.

RSF urges the authorities of Petit-Goâve to ensure the protection of journalists
Following the physical and verbal aggression of at least five journalists this month in Petit-Goâve https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-12022-haiti-politic-journalists-victims-of-aggression-in-petit-goave.html "Reporters Without Fontiers (RSF) urged local authorities to ensure the protection of journalists in Petit Goâve, often identified as political actors in the context of high polarization [...] Defenders of local government and representatives of the opposition must work together to stop these repeated aggressions against journalists in the region," declared Camille Soulier, head of Americas office RSF.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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