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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
04/12/2014 13:49:26

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
The Minister of Defence in Ecuador
Thursday, Lener Renauld, the Minister of Defence, leaves the country at the head of a delegation to represent Haiti at the meeting of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR). This meeting will be held December 5, 2014, in the city of Quito, Ecuador, brings together representatives from 12 countries of South America. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss important issues such as the establishment of specialist Councils, the defense and abetter coordination of health provisions. Following this meeting, a document will be produced and will be a roadmap for defense key matters concerning the 12 members of UNASUR.

The Ministry of Tourism met WTO
A working meeting with two experts from the World Trade Organization (WTO), Arne Klau and Nelnan Komtingue took place around the document "The review of the trade policy of Haiti: Tourism Sector" prepared by Directorate investments of the Ministry of Tourism Creative Industries (MTIC). Took part in the meeting Maryse Noel, the Director General of MTIC, the former Minister of Tourism, Ms. Martine Deverson, Ulrick Noel, Director of Investment of the Ministry and other executives from that directorate.

New Director General to the ISPAN
Wednesday, Monique Rocourt, the Minister of Culture, has proceeded to the installation of the engineer Patrick Durandisse an executive of the Ministry, as the new Director General at the head of the Heritage Preservation Institute (ISPAN) where he replaces Ms. Rocourt, who held this position by interim

Institutional reform of the Port Sector
The Ministry of Economy and Finance and the National Port Authority (APN) participated in a meeting with the Inter American Development Bank (IDB) in Washington, around the institutional reform project of the Port Sector Haitian.

Tourism: Discussion around the Project PAST
Wednesday, as part of the Heritage Preservation Project and of Support to the Tourism Sector (PAST) Ms. Dieudonne E. Luma, Regional Director North Ministry of Tourism and Creative Industries (MTIC) had a working meeting with the World Bank & UTE, on the Project PAST intended to contribute to the inclusive development of northern Haiti focusing on cultural sites.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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