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iciHaiti - Security : School violence, the EDUPOL brings order...
20/05/2015 10:47:13

iciHaiti - Security : School violence, the EDUPOL brings order...
A team of the educational policy, EDUPOL intervened in a conflict that opposed students from High School Antoine and Georges Izmery to students of the College Yahvé Nissi,
in the commune of Delmas. According to André Jude, Pedagogical Director of the College Yahweh Nissi, who pulled the alarm, to each release of class, High School students come and attack students of his establishment with belt and stones.

Two teams of EDUPOL agents were dispatched simultaneously just outside the two schools to interrogate directors and students. If the director of the college says to be worried, the Director of the high school, asserted to have already put by the collar the high school student by whom all things were planned.

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