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iciHaiti - Social : The Haitian in the DR send more than $400 million in Haiti
25/05/2015 10:06:32

iciHaiti - Social : The Haitian in the DR send more than $400 million in Haiti
According to a report from the World Bank, 53% of remittances (2014), are leaving the Dominican Republic to Haiti or nearly $430 million. Other transfers are done by Dominicans to Spain (11%), France and the United States (share 5%), China, Germany and Italy (3%) and the rest is shared with various other countries.

Note that if the Haitian diaspora working in the Dominican Republic has been generous with their families in Haiti, the Dominican Diaspora sent in 2014 to their family 4.57 billion in remittances, whose 75% came from the United States.

S/ iciHaiti

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