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iciHaiti - Culture : 2nd Edition of «Street art for women» dedicated to Naomi Osaka
11/03/2021 08:39:13

iciHaiti - Culture : 2nd Edition of «Street art for women» dedicated to Naomi Osaka
As part of the celebration of International Women's Rights Day, the Collective for the Promotion of Urban Arts and Contemporary Art (CPAUAC) organized in Port-au-Prince against a backdrop of pandemic and socio-political crisis precarious, the 2nd edition of Street Art for women (Street art au féminin), dedicated to the Japanese tennis player Naomi Osaka, proud of her Haitian origin and #2 in the world.

Concretely, it was about creating a collaborative fresco under the direction of Assaf in tribute to Naomi Osaka, a young tennis player (23) currently reigning in women's tennis around the world. About ten young women aged 18 to 25 will have the opportunity to perfect their skills and interests in graffiti techniques by creating a wall (Lope de Vega Institute) 8 meters high and 10 m long, at #22, 1st lmp. Lavaud, (Lycée Marie Jeanne area). Women working there will share their experiences including Geyane, VickyO, Dashka, Mide, Yasmine, or Zebra who says she is delighted to be able to share her experience as a graffiti artist, a field long dominated by men.

The realization of Street for women in the wake of March 8 fits perfectly with the objectives of the initiative which aims to promote the emergence of women artists, who thanks to their talent and through the street arts, promote gender equality, non-violence against women and girls and female leadership.

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