Haiti - News : Some news here and there... 15/03/2012 13:24:30 Wednesday the Senate ratified the choice of 3 new ambassadors nominated by presidential decree, it is the Ambassadors Leslie David (Caracas, Venezuela), Oswald André Frantz Liotaud (Ottawa, Canada) and Paul Altidor (Washington, United States). The Senators also approved the choice of 3 Consuls General : Justin Viard to Montréal, Jean-Marie Guillaume in Miami and Charles Antoine Forbin to New-York. Installation of the Municipal Council of Port-au-Prince The new municipal council of Port-au-Prince, composed of Gabrielle Hyacinthe, Jean-Marie Descorbett and Junior Gérald Estimé, was installed on Monday March 12, 2012 by Jean Fritz Jean-Louis, Secretary of State for Local Authorities and Georges Racine Secretary State for the Interior. Act on the Integration of Disabled was passed The Draft Act on the Integration of Disabled Persons was passed in the Senate of the Republic. This is a great victory for the team of the Office of the Secretary of State for the Integration of Disabled People, for the disabled and the country in general. https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-5175-haiti-social-the-bseiph-sends-its-warmest-congratulations-to-the-haitian-parliament.html National assize on the investment in Haiti The Centre for Facilitation of Investments (CFI) intends to launch in April 2012, a national dialogue on investment in Haiti. These assizes will be done in cooperation with the private business sector, they will be held in all major regions of the country, said Karl Jean-Louis, Director of CFI. Inauguration of CHARMICAL Monday, March 5, 2012, in the town of Cabaret, Florence Élie, the Protector of Citizens participated in the inauguration of the Haitian Center of Reintegration of Juveniles in Conflict with Law (CHARMICAL). She took this opportunity to reiterate several achievements of the Office of Citizen Protection in favor of children, including the establishment of a Unit of Child Protection within the OPC with a sustained presence of agents of the Unit of Reintegration of Minors in Conflict with Law (CERMICOL) at Delmas 33. The Protector of Citizens in Europe Florence Élie, the Protector of Citizens, participated to the days of institutional networks of the Francophonie on March 13-14. Tomorrow Friday March 16, she will be in Geneva to attend the general debates relating to the UPE (Universal periodic review) of Haiti. The Minister of Agriculture and the electronuclear Hébert Docteur, the Minister of Agriculture launched this Monday at Veterinary Laboratory of the Ministry a workshop with the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) "This is a workshop of transfer of nuclear technology for the development of the electronuclear, the elimination of insect pests or disease vectors, the environmental protection and of natural resources," said the Minister. New Director General in the Ministry of Justice President Michel Martelly just named by presidential decree, Me Roudy Aly, lawyer and law professor as new Director General in the Ministry of Justice and Public Security (MJSP). The installation of the newcomer took place Tuesday, March 13, 2012 in the premises of the Ministry. HL/ HaitiLibre
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