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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
24/07/2013 15:15:34

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Death of an Officer of the National Palace Guard
Tuesday, an agent of the Specialized Unit of the National Palace Guard (USGPN), Jacques Junior Dufault, 32, died at the Justinian University Hospital in Cap Haitien, while he was accompanying President Michel Martelly on tour in the North. It is on the walking course Cap-Haitien-Plaisance, that he felt discomfort. The agent was taken initially to the hospital Saint-François de Salle, in Morne Rouge, before being led to the Justinian Hospital where he passed away. The Medical Director of the Justinian Hospital, said the patient had diarrhea and vomiting a lot.

Haiti overdue in its transition to digital TV
At just two years after the cut-off date [15 June 2015], set by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), like many other countries in the region, Haiti is lagging behind in the work of the transition. This work comprises three main phases: the adoption of common standards for data compression and digital broadcasting, the adoption of a roadmap, and a campaign for national and international awareness (including the diaspora).

Election of Bureau members of the CFHCI
Last week, the Franco-Haitian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CFHCI) conducted in ordinary General Assembly to the election of 9 members of the Bureau. The Ambassador of France in Haiti, Patrick Nicoloso was present on this occasion, as Honorary President of the General Assembly. Elected members : Grégory Brandt, President ; Patrick Attie, Vice-President ; Hervé Fuertes, Vice-President ; Grégory Le Gros, Secretary ; Geoffrey Handal, Treasurer ; Isabelle Lemarecha, Régive Mevs, Hilegard Cassis, and Jean-Raphaël Boulos, Advisers.

Two community restaurant more
On Tuesday, the President Michel Martelly, went to Plaisance and Limbé where he visited two community restaurant recently inaugurated. With Plaisance and Limbé, the number of community restaurants open across the country by the administration Martelly-Lamothe is now of 29. https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-9074-haiti-social-the-27th-community-restaurant-is-in-morne-rouge.html

HL/ HaitiLibre

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