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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
14/08/2013 14:20:35

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Report of the Commission, Reactions of Prime Minister
Reacting to the report of the Senate Inquiry, the Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe said he was not surprised by the conclusions, but said he was disappointed, noting that "the Commission is composed only of parliamentarians of the opposition and that this report reflects the political position of its members." https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-9190-haiti-politic-report-of-the-senate-committee-of-inquiry-full-report.html

Work will begin in the Île-à-Vache
Sunday, the materials for the construction of road infrastructure have arrived on the Île-à-Vache. the construction of the airport will begin on August 20, 2013.

President of the Punta Cana Group in Haiti
Monday, following his first exploratory visit last November https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-7125-haiti-tourism-prospecting-visit-of-mr-ranieri-punta-cana-group.html Frank Ranieri, President of "Grupo Punta Cana" accompanied by his son Frank Elías and other senior executives of the Group, held a working meeting with Stéphanie Balmir Villedrouin, the Minister of Tourism, during which it would have transmit the project plans for the development of tourism in the region of Côtes-de-Fer.

Fashion made ​​in Haiti
Friday, Barbara Baptiste, Haitian International seamstress who worked for 23 years at Lacroix before joining the Chanel fashion house in Paris, visited, Josette Darguste acting Minister of Culture. Barbara Baptiste said detected many skills among Haitian designers, even if they must make some effort on the finishing and promised to work with them for the full development of the fashion "Made in Haiti".

Tribute to our national heroes
Tuesday, Ric Todd, the Governor of the Turks & Caicos Islands (TCI) on official visit to Haiti, https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-9225-haiti-politic-official-visit-of-the-governor-of-tci.html laid a wreath at the Monument national heroes before visiting, accompanied among othersby his Minister of border control, Don Hue Gardiner, the Haitian National Pantheon Museum (MUPANAH). At the end of the guided tour of the museum, the Governor expressed his pride at having had the opportunity to visit this place dedicated to the Heroes of the Independence of Haiti.

Festival of the Sea and River
The fourth edition of the Festival of the Sea and the River will be held from 15 to 18 August 2013, in Kaskad Beach (Corail Grande Anse) on the theme "Corail, My City !" A set of activities designed to enhance the tourism and cultural brilliance of Corail and showcase the talents and potentialities of this historic city, is expected during the four days of activities. The festival is organized in collaboration with the City of Corail, with the official support of the Office of the Deputy of Corail, Ronald Victor, with the support of Centre Commercial of Corail and the participation of the National Directorate of Book (DNL).

Closure of the Consulate of Orlando
The Consulate of the Republic of Haiti in Orlando presents its compliments to the Haitian Community of its Jurisdiction, that of Florida in particular and wishes to inform them that the Consulate will be closed on Thursday August 15, 2013 in commemoration of the "Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Marie."

HL/ HaitiLibre

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