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Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
16/08/2013 13:14:57

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Samyr Lainé qualified in Moscow for the final of the triple jump
The Haitian athlete living in the U.S., Samyr Lainé who reached the finals in the triple jump at the London Olympics, is currently in Moscow to attend the 14th edition of the World Athletics, he began competing in the World Athletics this Friday August 16 and qualified for the final of the triple jump by performing a jump of 16.87 meters.

Promise kept, water in Plaisance
The water flows from several weeks in the taps of the inhabitants of Plaisance, after the intervention of technicians of the Dinepa at the leval of supply network. It is a promise kept of President Michel Martelly, which, during his visit in this town, demanded that the treated water is delivered to citizens. Hoses away by floods were replaced and the vandalism repaired.

President Martelly met with women leaders of South
Recently, President Martelly met with women leaders of organizations in the South, during his tour in the region. In the town of Bergeaud in Les Cayes, the Head of State has exalted the courage of Haitian women and promised to continue to mentor them through the Ministry for the Status and Rights of Women and promised to work to strengthen the institutions working with them.

Final phase of the study of the strategies of Program RIAT
Friday morning a presentation, was held at the Ministry of Tourism, of the final phase of the study of the strategies of Program Integrated Regions of Tourist Development (Régions Intégrées d'Aménagement Touristique - RIAT). After the phase of diagnostics of program of RIAT, a Mexican consultation led by Felipe Ortiz (specialist in development of tourist destinations) proceeded to the finalization of this program which provides a tourism development plan for the South Coast of the country.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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