Haiti - News : Zapping...

Haiti - Taiwan : Towards a strategic partnership to strengthen the health system ?

Haiti - Security : Demolitions continue near the Airport

Haiti - Port-au-Prince : Municipal Action Plan 2025-2026

Haiti - FLASH : The 4th Kenyan contingent arrived in Port-au-Prince as well as 3 helicopters (Video)

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iciHaiti - Canada/UNODC : Donation of a large batch of vehicles to the PNH

iciHaiti - Dajabón : Significant military reinforcements on the Dominican border

iciHaiti - Health : 156th session of the WHO Executive Board

iciHaiti - Diaspora NOTICE : Contact details for the Orlando and Atlanta monitoring and emergency unit

iciHaiti - Sport s: Towards the organization of the 2025 interschool games

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iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7

iciHaiti - Tourism : Haiti hosts YMCA's annual conference
iciHaiti - Tourism : Haiti hosts YMCA's annual conference
04/05/2017 09:30:05
Tuesday, Minister of Tourism Colombe Émilie Jessy Menos participated in the launch of the Annual Conference of the YMCA Alliance of Latin America and the Caribbean...
iciHaiti - NOTICE Les Cayes : Vehicle Repairs on public roads, prohibited
iciHaiti - NOTICE Les Cayes : Vehicle Repairs on public roads, prohibited
04/05/2017 09:01:46
Jean Gabriel Fortuné the Mayor of Les Cayes, informs the mechanics of the place, that the City Council decided...
iciHaiti - IGPNH : 275 police officers suspended, 31 revoked
iciHaiti - IGPNH : 275 police officers suspended, 31 revoked
03/05/2017 10:56:30
According to the General Inspectorate of the National Police of Haiti, 75% of the police officers have undergone morality investigations, out them 3/4 in the region of Port-au-Prince. 1,143 police officers have been certified and 58...
iciHaiti - Canada : Did you know ?
iciHaiti - Canada : Did you know ?
03/05/2017 09:08:23
Since 2010, Canada has contributed more than $ 1.3 billion in international aid to Haiti...
iciHaiti - Politics : World Press Freedom Day
iciHaiti - Politics : World Press Freedom Day
03/05/2017 08:33:18
This Wednesday, May 3, Haiti celebrates the This Wednesday, May 3, Haiti celebrates the around the theme « Critical Minds for Critical Times: Media’s role in advancing peaceful, just and inclusive societies...
iciHaiti - Politics : International cooperation in the field of justice
iciHaiti - Politics : International cooperation in the field of justice
02/05/2017 11:04:53
Heidi Fortuné, Minister of Justice and Public Security, received, to his office, the received the visit of several delegations of representatives of friendly countries and of the International Community...
iciHaiti - Diaspora : Message from the Chicago Consul
iciHaiti - Diaspora : Message from the Chicago Consul
02/05/2017 09:58:15
Saturday, during the 22nd annual fundraising evening of the Haitian Catholic Mission of the Archdiocese of Chicago, Lesly Condé, the Consul General of Haiti of Chicago invited for the occasion, delivered a message...
iciHaiti - Environment : Agriculture Day, 5,000 seedlings planted in Panyol
iciHaiti - Environment : Agriculture Day, 5,000 seedlings planted in Panyol
02/05/2017 09:35:32
On Monday, the Foundation Dr Louis G. Lamothe (FLGL), in partnership with the growers' associations of « Fanm MODEJEP », « Fanm OPDES » and « Fanm k applante » celebrated the celebration of Agriculture and Labor in Panyol, (Kenscoff)...
iciHaiti - Politics : Working meeting on the preliminary draft Organic Law of the MENFP
iciHaiti - Politics : Working meeting on the preliminary draft Organic Law of the MENFP
01/05/2017 11:00:08
The Commission in charge of the revision of the preliminary draft Organic Law of the Ministry of National Education, made an inventory of the file before beginning discussions with several senior officials of the Ministry...
iciHaiti - Technology : Mission of Discovery Education International in Haiti
iciHaiti - Technology : Mission of Discovery Education International in Haiti
01/05/2017 10:03:17
As part of a partnership with the Ministry of Education, a team of Discovery Education International is conducting an exploratory mission to Haiti, in order to formalize the strengthening and modernization of the Haitian education system...

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