iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7 |

iciHaiti - Religion : Mgr. Max Leroy Mésidor will receive his pallium 28/06/2015 10:27:03 |
Monday, 46 archbishops appointed by Pope Francis in the last year, will receive their Pallium imposed by the Holy Father... |
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iciHaiti - NOTICE : Towards the construction of a Currency Museum 28/06/2015 10:05:46 |
The Bank of the Republic of Haiti (BRH), launched a call for expressions of interest for the selection of a firm to supervise the construction of the Museum of money... |
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iciHaiti - Justice : Casimir to the 6th Congress of ANAMAH 27/06/2015 12:17:48 |
Thursday, Me Pierre-Richard Casimir, the Minister of Justice accompanied by the State Secretary of Justice, Me Jacquenet Oxilus attended the 6th Congress of the National Association of Haitian Magistrates... |
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iciHaiti - Tourism : Haiti's Participation in Floralies internationales in Martinique 27/06/2015 11:38:59 |
A Haitian delegation participated in Martinique, to the Floralies internationales « The Caraibe a bouquet of flowers » It was a unique opportunity to present the tourist potential... |
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iciHaiti - Politic : Martelly congratulates himself to have maintained the binational dialogue 27/06/2015 11:03:09 |
The Head of State congratulates himself to have privileged dialogue between the two countries sharing the island where « extremists on both sides of the border... |
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iciHaiti - NOTICE : Two new air links with Brazil 27/06/2015 10:06:27 |
The Tourism Association of Haiti (ATH) announces that as of July 6, 2015 via Insel Air, two new routes will join every Monday, airports of Brazil, Manaus and Sao Paolo... |
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iciHaiti - Security : An agricultural worker dies intoxicated in Dominican Republic 26/06/2015 13:40:45 |
Jean Edy Presky (32), a Haitian agricultural worker, lost his life following a poisoning from a fumigation in Dominican plantations of Manzanillo... |
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iciHaiti - Education : 78,374 candidates to the BAC 26/06/2015 12:11:21 |
The examinations of the BAC, now exams of end of secondary education, will take place from Monday June 29 to Friday, July 3, 2015... |
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iciHaiti - Security : An UNDP team attacked on the road of Jérémie 26/06/2015 11:20:09 |
An United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) team, on mission, en route to Jérémie, has been attacked on 22 June by unidentified individuals up to Duchity... |
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iciHaïti - Justice : Clifford Brandt the investigation continues... 26/06/2015 10:33:06 |
The investigation of the case Clifford Brandt, accused among others of kidnapping October 16, 2012, of the two young Coralie [23] and Nicolas Moscoso [24]... |
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