Haiti - News : Zapping...

Haiti - Taiwan : Towards a strategic partnership to strengthen the health system ?

Haiti - Security : Demolitions continue near the Airport

Haiti - Port-au-Prince : Municipal Action Plan 2025-2026

Haiti - FLASH : The 4th Kenyan contingent arrived in Port-au-Prince as well as 3 helicopters (Video)

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iciHaiti - Canada/UNODC : Donation of a large batch of vehicles to the PNH

iciHaiti - Dajabón : Significant military reinforcements on the Dominican border

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iciHaiti - Diaspora NOTICE : Contact details for the Orlando and Atlanta monitoring and emergency unit

iciHaiti - Sport s: Towards the organization of the 2025 interschool games

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iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7

iciHaiti - Politics : Government faced the Senate
iciHaiti - Politics : Government faced the Senate
21/04/2017 08:58:10
Thursday in the Senate, Prime Minister Jack Guy Lafontont, accompanied by his ministerial cabinet, responded to questions from senators on the roadmaps distributed to ministers...
iciHaiti - Politics : Signing of a Natcom-PNH agreement
iciHaiti - Politics : Signing of a Natcom-PNH agreement
20/04/2017 10:46:23
The Haitian National Police (PNH) and the National Telecom S.A. (NATCOM), have signed a Memorandum of Understanding...
iciHaiti - Europe : Closing of the «Katye  nou pi bèl» project in Carrefour
iciHaiti - Europe : Closing of the «Katye nou pi bèl» project in Carrefour
20/04/2017 09:48:32
As part of the visit of the European Commissioner for Development, Neven Mimica...
iciHaiti - Heritage : International Day for Monuments and Sites
iciHaiti - Heritage : International Day for Monuments and Sites
20/04/2017 09:08:03
The Ministry of Culture and Communication launched a series of activities to mark the celebration of the International Day for Monuments and Sites...
iciHaiti - Justice : Preliminary draft Penal Code and of Code of Penal Procedure
iciHaiti - Justice : Preliminary draft Penal Code and of Code of Penal Procedure
19/04/2017 11:09:50
Tuesday, Heidi Fortuné, Minister of Justice and Public Security, received at the Ministry, the Presidential Commission on Law Reform...
iciHaiti - Taxation : Did you know ?
iciHaiti - Taxation : Did you know ?
19/04/2017 10:09:21
Only a law may create, increase, reduce, amend or delete a tax. Any municipal by-law or rules aiming to create a tax not provided for by law or to amend a tax established by law is illegal...
iciHaiti - Football : ONA crushes MICT [4-0]
iciHaiti - Football : ONA crushes MICT [4-0]
19/04/2017 09:40:49
Monday in the opening match of the Championship of the Fraternity of the Public Function, organized by OMRH...
iciHaiti - Culture : Capacity building tour of cultural associations
iciHaiti - Culture : Capacity building tour of cultural associations
18/04/2017 11:15:41
The TAMISE Cultural Association, in partnership with the Minustah, organizes workshops in « Communication and capacity building », lasting three days each, for a total of 225 young artists...
iciHaiti - Social : CONATEL welcomes the commitment of Haitian amateur radio
iciHaiti - Social : CONATEL welcomes the commitment of Haitian amateur radio
18/04/2017 09:44:25
As part of World Amateur Radio Day celebrated on Tuesday 18 April, Jean Marie Altema, the Director General of the CONATEL, welcomes the commitment of the members of Amateur Radio Corporation in Haiti...
iciHaiti - Arcahaie : The Government Commissioner wants to question many people
iciHaiti - Arcahaie : The Government Commissioner wants to question many people
18/04/2017 09:11:19
Following the throwing of stones on the presidential convoy on n Friday, April 7, described as « terrorist acts » by the office of the presidency...

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